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Usuario:Apoxyomenus/Madonna 1

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Alías honorifico


Hijas de Madonna


El llamar «Madonna» a alguien se ha convertido en un alías o sobrenombre honorífico. Es muy frecuente ver referencias al respecto en el mundo musical, para todas aquellos artistas —generalmente mujeres— que tienen un estilo muy parecido a la cantante, o bien, que se han inspirado en ella, o que han tenido un impacto similar al de Madonna. También se pueden ver ejemplos en el mundo de los negocios, del arte o de la política. El contexto es muy variado, algunas veces, las mismas personas se han denominado así, mientras la propia intérprete nombró a Kanye West como la

Mundo musical




Madonna of Korea (Han’gugûi Madonna (lit., “Madonna of Korea”) a) Kim Wan-sun

  • Emma Goldman: "was the Madonna of the turn of the century. She wanted to push people’s buttons.”"

Germany's Canibol agrees: "No Doubt could be our next Madonna, so to speak: | Billboard 1996 (pag 38)



  • As we shall see , the word “ Madonna " in Japan has little to do with the mother of Christ . The history of this Japanese Madonna goes back to the beginning of the twentieth century when the novelist Natsume Sôseki made the word popular by ...
  • [Obviamente , se han pasado algunas vergüenzas a lo largo del camino : como parte de una rutina de control de autoridades , OCLC alteró globalmente “ Madonna ” por “ María , Virgen bendita , Santa " —un cambio que , antes de corregirse] | Historias - Número 34 - Página 21 (1995)
  • [viene el madonismo . Y la música latina tiene algunas candidatas a esta tendencia : Marta Sánchez , la fogosa estrella del grupo español Olé Olé ; Yolandita Monge , la intérprete puertorriqueña que está por la maceta ' ; y la SO Yolandita ] en Más (1989)
  • [Cuando afirmamos que Britney Spears es la nueva Madonna, no queremos decir que Britney Spears es, en efecto, Madonna. En realidad, lo que hacemos es señalar ciertas semejanzas sistemáticas entre las dos] de Paul Thagard
  • «Empresas Madonna» En NODE se utiliza la frase «ésta es una empresa Madonna» para definir ese tipo de compañía capaz de reinventarse a sí misma sucesivas veces para estar siempre en la cresta de la ola.
  • [Artistas de un solo nombre. Probablemente tengas que echarle la culpa a Madonna. Su increíble historial de éxito (11 éxitos top 5 sin precedentes en el CHR) ha inspirado a una gran variedad de, principalmente, vocalistas femeninas, por lo general en el ámbito urbano/dance, a aspirar al estrellato usando solo su primer nombre. Es realmente una gran lista. En los últimos meses hemos tenido noticias de Alisha, Janice, Kopper, Meshay, Nayobe, Nicole, Nocera, Princess, Regina, Tia, Trinere y probablemente más. Por supuesto, el fenómeno va más allá de Madonna y el resto, a las que podríamos llamar, si quisiéramos molestarlas inmensamente, «Las hijas de Madonna». [...] A pesar de lo extenso que es esta lista, la actual aglomeración de artistas de un solo nombre no tiene precedentes] —Usuario:MadonnaFan/Taller/6
  • "Madonna is a strange name", she said,"I felt there was a reason. I feltk like I had to live up to my name" (qtd. in Arrington 57)" [2]
  • "Madonna "Her Name Is Just Madonna" by Grant Miller"
  • "Blue Vanity - Her Name Is Just Madonna"
  • "Madonna: The Name of the Game" (1993)
  • [Google Madonna's name and the mother of Jesus is nowhere in sight. There is just a tide of accomplishments and accompanying pop-culture analysis waterfalling endlessly through more than 34,100,100 websites, a nearly forty-page Wikipedia entry, thousands of magazine and newspaper articles and a half-dozen biographies and documentary films to eventually ciphon through a bast netwerk of social media sites, flooding your feeds and blocking your every social-media orifice until you find yourself scrambling for the lifeline of an "unfllow" or an unlike button lest you wake up one moring screaming with Madonna factoids oozing from the palms of your hands like weeping stimata.] - Madonnaland

̈*Indeed, the seeds of controversy are embodied in her very name. That name, she said, has always made her feel special.[5]

"Ella sola se puso Madonna, antes tenía otro nombre.. Yo quise imaginar un palacio frío y gris que negase su propio nombre: Madonna ...

  • Su propio nombre es un símbolo. Se puso Madonna (virgen) no porque estuviera pensando que terminaría despertando las iras de la Iglesia, sino porque quería representar el símbolo de la
  • [Su propio nombre es un símbolo. Se puso Madonna (virgen) no porque estuviera pensando que terminaría despertando ...]
  • [... Madonna ha tenido iconografía cristiana, algo muy acorde con la construcción de un personaje con un nombre propio tan ligado a la religión.]
  • From the choice of name on, the construction of “Madonna” as performer would appear to have much ironic potential, none the less. If you want to attribute ironic intent, however, you have to begin with the fact that “Madonna” is her given (or more, aptly, her Christian name) rather than an assumed stage name, but that alone would not prevent irony from happening in the space between religious associations with the name and popular culture. The Western iconographic tradition-in which the pradoxically virginal Madonna is often figured with Chield-sets up a further interxtual context within which the singer´s self-representations in filmd, video, song lyrics, and live performance are transgressive and perphaps, to some, ironic. In Italian, "madonna" is also the word used for the representation (the statue, the picture) of the Viring Mary. It is appropriate or ironic, that, perhaps in Madonna's case too, icon and referent share te same designation? Historically, "Madonna" is the medieval and renaissance tittle of respect give to a high-born woman, and for an Italian-speaking discurse community, the added subliminal idea of "ma donna" (my woman), in terms of either possessiveness or material/sexual posseion, is likely ironizable, no matter what stand you take on her personal politics. Would the potencional for irony be altered, however, if her birth name were not Madonna, but Mary Magdalene or Marilyn? Or would the ironies simply the differente ones. Certainly, the modest proposal that Madonna help out the American economy even more by getting pregnant-because a Madonna and Child would sell even better than a Madonna-would have to be shelved. Those who see irony rather than complicty in Madonna0s engagement with traditional musical signs of childish vulnerability see her playing with patriarchal expectations in a knowing and...
  • [Complainant is the well-know entertainer Madonna. She is the owner of U.S Tradermark Registrations for the mark MADONNA for entertainmente services and related goods (Reg. No 1,473,554 and 1,463,601). She has used her name and mark Madonna professioanlly for entertainmente services since 1979. ]
  • In many ways, Madonna attempts to live up to her name by becoming for others the mother she lost when she was only six. Throughout the Blond Ambition tour, she tries to create a family out of the dancers and singers with whom she performs ...
  • [A veces pienso que nací para hacer honor a mi nombre. ¿Cómo podría no ser diferente teniendo el nombre de Madonna? Al final, hubiera acabado siendo monja o lo que soy ahora.]
  • "No puedo creer que te llames Madonna", su manager. Nat Geo: su nombre sonaba a marca.
  • [No black woman I talked to declared that she wanted to "be Madonna." Yet we have only to ... who gain greater cross-over recognition when they demonstrate that, like Madonna, they too, have a healthy dose of "blonde ambition." Clearly their ...]
  • [In the eighties, “Madonna” acquired a more contemporary image: the pop star whose given name soon was enough to identify her to the world at large]
  • La importancia de llamarse Madonna.

"Wikipedia lists her specifically as “Madonna (entertainer),” as opposed to the representation of Mary, mother of Jesus, but I’m not sure it’s necessary; Madonna as Mary doesn’t even show up on the first five pages of a simple Google search. Suffice it to say, Madonna (entertainer) is the more instantly recognizable mother figure in American culture: the mother of pop. She continues to be a singer, dancer, actress, and one of the biggest cultural icons of this century" [3]

  • Why Does Madonna’s Hometown Hate Her?: "The logistics of writing a new book about Madonna, I soon discovered, were crushing. Google Madonna’s name and the mother of Jesus is nowhere in sight. There is just a tide of accomplishments and accompanying pop-culture analysis waterfalling endlessly through more than 34,100,000 websites, a nearly forty-page Wikipedia entry, thousands of magazine and newspaper articles, and a half-dozen biographies and documentary films to eventually ciphon through a vast network of social media sites, flooding your feeds and blocking your every social-media orifice until you find yourself scrambling for the lifeline of an “unfollow” or an “unlike” button lest you wake up one morning screaming with Madonna factoids oozing from the palms of your hands like weeping stigmata.1 Trying to ingest it all, let alone wreath it in words, feels like trying to give the population of Indonesia a hug—a task further complicated by the fact that both are simultaneously growing."
  • "The Madonna of Catholicism is a melancholic figure, imploring people to pray for the state of the world and repent for their sins. But the Madonna of Pop tells her faithful followers to rebel, to be who they are, to survive at all costs. She is the hero of her own story, and of many others’ too. There is no weeping." [5]


  1. Zunini, Patricio (17 de agosto de 2019). «María Rosa Yorio: “Yo fui una Madonna argentina”». Argentina: Infobae. Consultado el 31 de agosto de 2019. 
  2. Mander, Benedict (5 de octubre de 2015). «Buenos Aires struggles to support its artistic talent». Financial Times (en inglés). Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2019. 
  3. Fernández Díaz, Jorge (18 de octubre de 2008). «El gran tour de la Madonna del arte». La Nación. Argentina. Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2019. 
  4. a b Grille, Alberto (16 de agosto de 2019). «Talvi: el neoliberal que miente ser batllista». Caras y Caretas. Uruguay. Consultado el 7 de septiembre de 2019. 
  5. Holden, Stephen (19 de marzo de 1989). «Madonna Re-Creates Herself - Again». The New York Times (en inglés). Consultado el 8 de julio de 2019. 

Outside-topic references





Behind the Name, Baby Names Hub are comments about "madonna" name in similar web-sites
En Chrome es facil traducir las páginas de forma automática con solo click = traducir pero también dentro de la página web de Google translate nos da un resultado como este
Decrease of catholics




  • Catholic Church by country ("Catholic country")
  • While the term “Messiah”—the Celestial Messiah being born from the Celestial Madonna—is more generally Christian, the term “Madonna” is particular to Roman Catholic tradition. The term itself was not used by Protestant denomination ... The Ages of the Avengers: Essays on the Earth's Mightiest ... - Page 47 Joseph J. Darowski · 2014

In the arts, Madonna, demonstrating the courage, creativity and talent that have made her name synonymous with the word "Madonna," kisses Britney Spears



Madonna Veronica Louise Ciccone chose to retain her true name (reducing her surname, however, to her given name). “Madonna” is by no means a typical name; it is, in fact, somewhat unusual as a given name (pag 550) en The Italian American heritage : a companion to literature and arts

A tener en cuenta

  • criticas de libro (2022), incluyendo la disambiguación en Wikipedia; y como un autor (Hall), una decada antes empezó a hablar de la ambiguedad de la palabra.
  • Barbara Renaud Gonzalez in Hispanic Link Weekly Report, Volume 14 1996: Our most famous Madonna is now a mother. To a Latina baby of course
  • Ideas abstractas o sesgo grupal
  • Isis: Nike and Madonna banned by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria \'sex crackdown\'
  • Who's Madonna? pag.61 por Julia Wood. Ha sido descrita de muchas maneras, quizas ella es todo eso y mas.
  • Oxford Dictionary of English edited by Angus Stevenson | pag- 1063 Madonna (b.1958) INCLUIDA EN LA DEFINICION DE LA PALABRA "MADONNA" en Oxford Dictionary of English
  • No, not Madonna the singer, the V&A's new Medieval and Renaissance galleries (reacciones al arte medieval, cristianismo, etc)
  • The name was mildly popular through most of the first half of the 20th century. IN Baby Names For Dummies Margaret Rose · 2011
  • So in this age, if someone says Madonna, they may have to clarify who they're referring to. Do they mean the pop music idol or do they mean the holy Mother of God? During these thirty-years, the Holy Mother has faced much competition. This has been not just for her name, but for her message. She competes with the many modern-day instruments of entertainment and communication-MTV, cell phones, laptops, internet, iPdos, TVs, iPads, DVDs, MP3 players, and all other modern gadgets of our tech-savvy world. — Fingerprints of God: Where Heaven Meets Earth - Page 17 by Stephen J. Malloy 2012
  • When Google surfaced, AltaVista was the dominant search engine. It required users to construct labyrinthic search statements, such as "Madonna and not singer" for articles about Mary Magdalene. Googe simplified the query process and delivered better results by analyzing how often web sites are linked to other highly ranked sites. — pag 70, Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here: Inside the 300 Billion Dollar Business ... by David Verklin, Bernice Kanner
  • Madonna the pop star appeared as challenging twentieth-century image of an ancient icon. Where the traditional Virgin symbolized modesty and purity, this Madonna preached sexual empowerment and spirituality. To writer Camille Paglia, she has rejoined and healed the split halves of women: Mary, the Blessed Virgin and holy mother, and Mary Magdalene, the harlot. Songwriter Tori Amos agrees, saying: 'I believe that the joining of the themes "Madonna" and Virgin" and sex was the rebooting of the historical Madonna computer. It represented a major sexual awakening for Christian girls -Catholic girls, Protestant girls, Mormon girls, Baptist girls - bring 'em on. The significance of a female called Madonna singing the words "Like a Virgin" could not be downplayed, nor could the effect of little girls around the world singing along with her. — EN Lucy O'Brien pp 14-15
  • known so widely throughout the world as Madonna | The Portable Italian Mamma by Laura Mosiello, Susan Reynolds
  • is interesting in that she chose to use the name Madonna (the symbol of purity and virginity in Romanism)... | Confronting Contemporary Christian Music: A Plain Account of Its History ... by H. T. Spence, pag 105
  • But several Christian critics ( Godwin 1988 : 97 ; Ahrnroth 1991 : 171 ) insist on calling her " Louise ” and claim that Madonna is a pseudonym . Insisting that Madonna is anything but “ madonna - like ” ( Ekeberg 1991 : 91 ) , these — Temenos, Volumes 33-34
  • Dictionary definitions hint at the controversy: "Madonna - a lady, especially a brothel madam; a designation fo the virgin birth and Mary Magdalene - from Italian ma donna, or 'my lady'." ... Name notes: Inspire Ciccone Youth, Take That. Husbands Sean Penn and Guy Richie have both been dubbed "Mr Madonna". — The Dictionary of Rock & Pop Names: The Rock & Pop Names Encyclopedia from ... by Mark Beech (2009)
  • Usually Mary is called "the Madonna". — The Essential Guide to Catholic Terms By Mary Kathleen Glavich
  • This analysis of the Madonna as a symbol of the 'feminine' is not unique to Jameson. Marina Warner, for example, in her history of Roman Catholic Mariology, has explained that Mary was widely understood to embody the softer qualities ... — Literary Theology by Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century, Dr Rebecca Styler · 2013 pag 93
  • En la epoca de Dante e incluso con anterioridad a ella madonna o Madonna significaba entre sus compatriotras justamente mujer amada. | Antonio Machado y Guiomar; Justina Ruiz de Conde · 1964
  • In the southern and central Italian vernaculars, however, madonna was never used to designate or address a spouse's mother as it is in various northern | [15]
  • It has now become common in other languages , particularly in reference to works of art . The earliest Christian art , however , did not attempt | Chambers's Encyclopædia: LAB to NUM - Page 250, 1886
  • ... Madonna , an Italian word meaning ' My Lady , ' used as the generic title for works of art , generally paintings , representing the Virgin , or the Virgin with the Infant Christ . Legend credits St Luke with having painted the first Madonna ... | Chamber's Encyclopœdia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge, | 1890, pag 784
  • ... Madonna , as we know , is an Italian word specially applied to any representation of the Virgin Mary ( mother of Jesus Christ ) in Christian art , and the " Madonna and Child " was a dominating theme with many Italian artists of the .. | The Girl Child: Souvenir on the SAARC Year of the Girl ... - Page 34
  • the cult of the Madonna and the worship of the Mother of God are most strongly rooted in the countries of southern Europe. In the rock paitings of prehistoric times the divine mother figure, the dea Madre, the great mother, the Magna Mater appears constantly, especially in Italy. The goddesses of the south, Isis and Demeter, go back to | Prehistoric heritage, Felix R. Paturi · 1979, pag 85.
  • Dictionary cuts Madonna, adds dream team
  • ... マドンナの日本公演が四回行われ、興行収入から観客動員数まで過去のすべてのコンサートの記録をぬりかえたのである。このときの現象をマス・メディアは「マドンナ旋風」と名付け、その短期的な大衆化された集合的記憶も、八九年の参議院選挙の結果を表現 ... 文學語學 Ediciones 183-188, 2005, pag 62

En Wikipedia
