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Usuario:Pla y Grande Covián/pa'crear/copia y traducc./Primeros santos cristianos (lista)

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Source: List of early Christian saints

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Christian saints before 450 AD
Christian saints after this time
List of saints / Usuario:Pla y Grande Covián/Santos (la lista)

This is a List of 1067 Early Christian saints— saints before 450 AD— in alphabetical order by Christian name. Wikipedia contains a calendar of saints listed by the day of the year on which they are traditionally venerated, as well as a Chronological list of saints and blesseds, listed by their date of death.

Christian saints before 450 AD
Saint Date of death
Aaron the Illustrious 4th century
Aba of Kaskhar 366
Abadios 4th century
Abai (martyr) 4th century
Abāmūn of Tarnūt 4th century
Abanoub 4th century
Abassad 4th century
Abban the Hermit 5th century
Abda and Abdjesus 4th century
Abda of Kaskhar 4th or 5th century
Abdecalas 345
Abdias of Babylon 1st century
Abdisho 4th century
Abdon 3rd century
Abercius and Helena 1st century
Abercius of Hieropolis 2nd century
Abgar V of Edessa 1st century
Abiatha, Hathes and Mamlacha 4th century
Abiathar and Sidonia 4th century
Abibion 5th century
Abibus of Edessa 4th century
Abibus of Samosata 3rd century
Abra of Poitiers 4th century
Abraham and his wife 4th century
Abraham of Arbela 4th century
Abraham of Armenia 5th century
Abraham of Clermont 5th century
Abraham of Cyrrhus 422
Abraham of the High Mountain 5th century
Abraham the Great of Kidunja 4th century
Abraham the Poor 4th century
Absadah 4th century
Abselema of Edessa 2nd century
Abudimus 4th century
Abundius 5th century
Abundius and Abundantius 4th century
Abundius and Irenaeus 3rd century
Abundius of Umbria 4th century
Acacius 4th century
Acacius of Amida 5th century
Acacius of Caesarea 4th century
Acathius of Melitene 3rd century
Acepsimas of Hnaita 4th century
Achillas of Alexandria 4th century
Achilleus 1st century
Achillius of Larissa 4th century
Acius 4th century
Addai 2nd century
Adheritus 2nd century
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia 4th century
Adrian of Batanea 4th century
Adrian of Nicomedia c. 306
Aedesius of Alexandria 306?
Aelia Flaccilla 4th century
Aemilianus 5th century
Afra 304
Agape (Charity or Love) 2nd century ?
Agape, Chionia, and Irene 3rd century
Agapitus of Palestrina 3rd century
Agapius 4th century
Agapius of Spain 3rd century
Agatha of Sicily 251
Agathangelus of Rome 4th century
Agathius 303
Agathoclia 3rd century
Agathonicus and Companions 3rd century
Agnes 304
Agnes of Rome 4th century
Agricius of Trier 4th century
Agrippina of Mineo 3rd century
Agrippinus of Carthage 3rd century
Agrippinus of Naples 3rd century
Aignan 5th century
Ajabel 4th century
Alban 305
Alban of Mainz 406
Alberta of Agen 296
Alexander (martyr) 2nd century
Alexander I c. 116
Alexander of Alexandria 4th century
Alexander of Bergamo 4th century
Alexander of Comana 3rd century
Alexander of Constantinople 4th century
Alexander of Jerusalem 3rd century
Alexius 5th century
Alexius of Rome 4th century
Almachius 4th century
Alphius (martyr) 3rd century
Alypius of Thagaste 5th century
Amabilis of Riom 5th century
Amantius of Como 5th century
Amator 5th century
Ambrose 397
Ambrose of Alexandria 3rd century
Ampelus 4th century
Amphibalus 4th century
Amphilochius of Iconium 4th century
Ampliatus 1st century
Amun 4th century
Anacletus c. 88
Ananias of Damascus 1st century
Anastasia of Sirmium 4th century
Anastasius I 401
Anastasius the Fuller 4th century
Andeolus 3rd century
Andrew 1st century
Andronicus of Pannonia 1st century
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus 4th century
Anianus of Alexandria 1st century
Anicetus c. 167
Anne 1st century
Ansanus 4th century
Anterus 3rd century
Antheros 236
Anthimus of Nicomedia 4th century
Anthimus of Rome 4th century
Anthony the Great 356
Antiochus of Sulcis 2nd century
Antipas of Pergamum 1st century
Antonia and Alexander 4th century
Anysia of Salonika 304
Apelles of Heraklion 1st century
Aphian 4th century
Aphrahat 4th century
Aphrodisius 1st century
Apollinaris of Ravenna 1st century
Apollinaris Claudius 2nd century
Apollonia 3rd century
Apollonius the Apologist 2nd century
Apollos 1st century
Aquilina 3rd century
Arcadius of Mauretania 4th century
Archippus 1st century
Ariadne of Phrygia 2nd century
Arilda 5th century
Aristarchus of Thessalonica 1st century
Aristides the Athenian 2nd century
Aristobulus of Britannia 1st century
Arsatius 5th century
Arsenius the Great 5th century
Artemius 4th century
Aspren 1st century
Assicus 5th century
Asterius of Amasia 4th century
Astius 2nd century
Asyncritus of Hyrcania 1st century
Athanasius II of Alexandria 5th century
Athanasius of Alexandria 373
Atticus of Constantinople 5th century
Attilio 3rd century
Augustine of Hippo 430
Aurelius 5th century
Auspicius of Toul 5th century
Auspicius of Trier 2nd century
Austromoine 3rd century
Autonomus 4th century
Auxentius of Bithynia 5th century
Auxentius of Mopsuestia 4th century
Auxilius of Ireland 5th century
Avilius of Alexandria 1st century
Awtel 327
Babylas of Antioch 3rd century
Bademus 4th century
Balbina 2nd century
Barbara 3rd century
Barba'shmin 4th century
Barhadbesciabas 4th century
Barlaam and Josaphat 4th century
Barnabas 61
Bartholomew 1st century
Basil of Amasea 4th century
Basil of Ancyra 4th century
Basil the Elder 4th century
Basil the Great 379
Basilides and Potamiana 3rd century
Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius 4th century
Basilissa and Anastasia 1st century
Bassian 5th century
Baudilus 3rd century
Beatrix 302 or 303
Beatus of Lungern 2nd century
Benignus of Armagh 5th century
Benignus of Dijon 3rd century
Saint Benjamin the Deacon and Martyr 5th century
Bessus 3rd century
Bibiana 4th century
Bienheuré 3rd century
Birillus 1st century
Blaise c. 316
Blandina 2nd century
Boniface I 422
Boniface of Tarsus 3rd century
Breage 5th century
Bretannio 4th century
Brice 5th century
Brychan 5th century
Caesar of Dyrrhachium 1st century
Caesarius of Africa 2nd or 3rd century
Caesarius of Nazianzus 4th century
Caius 296
Calepodius 3rd century
Calimerius 3rd century
Callixtus I 222
Calocerus 2nd century
Camilla 5th century
Candida the Elder 1st century
Candidus 3rd century
Cantius, Cantianus, and Cantianilla 4th century
Caprasius of Agen 4th century
Caprasius of Lérins 5th century
Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus, and Licinius 3rd century
Carpus of Berrhoe 1st century
Cassian of Imola 3rd or 4th century
Cassian of Tangier 3rd century
Castor of Apt 5th century
Castritian 2nd century
Castulus 3rd century
Catald 5th century
Catervus 4th century
Catherine of Alexandria c. 305
Cecilia c. 117
Celadion of Alexandria 2nd century
Celestine I 432
Cephas of Iconium 1st century
Cessianus 4th century
Charalampus c. 222
Charbel (martyr) 2nd century
Charitina of Amisus 4th century
Chiaffredo 3rd century
Saint Christina of Bolsena 3rd century
Christina of Persia 4th century
Christopher c. 251
Chromatius 5th century
Chrysanthus 283
Chrysogonus 4th century
Chusdazat 4th century
Cianán 5th century
Clateus 1st century
Clement I c. 98
Clement of Alexandria 3rd century
Clement of Ancyra 4th century
Clement of Sardice 1st century
Cleopatra 4th century
Colluthus 3rd century
Columba of Sens 3rd century
Conal 5th century
Concordius of Spoleto 2nd century
Constantina 4th century
Constantine the Great 337
Constantius (Theban Legion) 3rd century
Constantius of Perugia 2nd century
Corebus 2nd century
Corentin of Quimper 5th century
Cornelius 253
Cornelius the Centurion 1st century
Cosmas and Damian 303
Crescens 1st century
Crescentian 2nd century
Crescentinus 4th century
Crescentius of Rome 4th century
Crispin 3rd century
Crispina 304
Crispus of Chalcedon 1st century
Cucuphas 4th century
Cyprian 258
Cyprian and Justina 4th century
Cyriacus 3rd or 4th century
Cyril of Alexandria 444
Cyril of Jerusalem 386
Cyrion and Candidus 4th century
Cyrus and John 4th century
Dabheog 4th century
Dalmatius of Constantinople 5th century
Damasus I 383
Daniel of Padua 2nd century
Daniel the Stylite 5th century
Darerca of Ireland 5th century
Daria c. 283
Darius 4th century
Dasya 3rd century
Dausa (bishop) 4th century
Defendens 3rd century
Demetrius of Alexandria 232
Demetrius of Thessaloniki 306
Demiana 3rd or 4th century
Denis (Denys, Dionysius) of Paris 3rd century
Denise, Dativa, Leontia, Tertius, Emilianus, Boniface, Majoricus, and Servus 5th century
Desan (bishop) 4th century
Devota 4th century
Diadochos of Photiki 5th century
Dichu 5th century
Didymus the Blind 4th century
Digain 5th century
Digna and Emerita 3rd century
Dingad of Llandingat 5th century
Diomedes 4th century
Dionysius 268
Dionysius of Alexandria 3rd century
Dionysius the Areopagite 1st or 2nd century
Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth 2nd century
Dioscorus 4th century
Dioscorus I of Alexandria 5th century
Dismas 1st century
Domninus of Fidenza 4th century
Donatus of Arezzo 4th century
Donatus, Romulus, Secundian, and 86 Companions 4th century
Dorothea of Alexandria 4th century
Dorothea of Caesarea c. 311
Dorotheus of Tyre 362
Duje 4th century
Dwynwen 5th century
Edistus 1st century
Elen (saint) 4th century
Eleuchadius 2nd century
Eleutherius and Antia 2nd century
Eleutherius c. 189
Elias and companions 4th century
Elias the Hermit 4th century
Elizabeth 1st century
Elpidius the Cappadocian 4th century
Elpis (Hope) 2nd century ?
Eluned 5th century
Emelia c. 375
Emerentiana c. 304
Emeterius and Celedonius 4th century
Emmelia of Caesarea 4th century
Emygdius 4th century
Engratia 4th century
Epaphroditus 1st century
Epenetus of Carthage 1st century
Ephrem the Syrian 373
Ephysius 4th century
Epicharis (martyr) 3rd century
Epiphanius of Pavia 5th century
Epiphanius of Salamis 403
Erasmus of Formiae (St. Elmo) c. 303
Erastus of Paneas 1st century
Erbin of Dumnonia 5th century
Erc 5th century
Eubulus 4th century
Eucherius of Lyon c. 449
Eudocia (martyr) 100
Eudokia of Heliopolis 2nd century
Eugenia of Rome 3rd century
Eugenios of Trebizond 4th century
Eulalia of Barcelona 4th century
Eulalia of Mérida 4th century
Euphemia 307
Euphrasia of Constantinople 5th century
Euphrosyne of Alexandria 5th century
Euplius 4th century
Eusebius 309 or 310
Eusebius of Rome 4th century
Eusebius of Samosata 4th century
Eusebius of Vercelli 371
Eusebonas 5th century
Eustace 2nd century
Eustathius of Antioch 4th century
Eustochium 5th century
Eustochius 5th century
Eustorgius I 4th century
Euthalia, Virgin Martyr 3rd century
Euthymius the Great 5th century
Eutropius 5th century
Eutropius of Orange 5th century
Eutychian 283
Evaristus c. 105
Evellius 1st century
Evodius 1st century
Expeditus 303
Exuperantia 4th century
Exuperius (Theban Legion) 3rd century
Exuperius 5th century
Exuperius and Zoe 2nd century
Ezana of Axum 4th century
Fabian 250
Fabiola 399 or 400
Faith 3rd century
Fausta 4th century
Faustinus 302 or 303
Faustinus of Brescia 4th century
Faustus of Riez 5th century
Faustus, Abibus and Dionysius of Alexandria 3rd century
Felician of Foligno 2nd century
Felicitas of Rome c. 165
Felicula 1st century
Felinus and Gratian 3rd century
Felix and Adauctus 4th century
Felix and Costanza 1st century
Felix and Regula 3rd century
Felix I 274
Felix III 5th century
Felix of Como 4th century
Felix of Girona 4th century
Felix of Nola 3rd century
Fermin 4th century
Ferreolus and Ferrutio 3rd century
Fidelis of Como 4th century
Firmilian c. 269
Firmus and Rusticus 3rd century
Flavia Domitilla (saint) 1st century
Flavian II of Antioch 5th century
Flavian of Constantinople 5th century
Flavian of Ricina 3rd century
Flavius Clement 1st century
Flavius Latinus of Brescia 2nd century
Florian 4th century
Fortunatus of Casei 3rd century
Fortunatus of Spoleto 4th or 5th century
Fortunatus the Apostle 1st century
Foutin 2nd century
Fructuosus of Tarragona 259
Frumentius 4th century
Gabinus 3rd century
Gaius of Ephesus 1st century
Galation 3rd century
Gamaliel 63
Gatianus of Tours 3rd century
Gaudentius of Brescia 5th century
Gaudentius of Rimini 4th century
Gaudentius of Novara 5th century
Gaudiosus of Naples 5th century
Gelasius I 5th century
Geminianus 4th century
Genesius of Arles 303 or 308
Genesius of Rome 286 or c. 303
George 303
Georgia of Clermont 5th century
Gerasimus of the Jordan 5th century
Gereon 3rd century
Germanicus of Smyrna 2nd century
Germanus of Auxerre 5th century
Gervasius and Protasius c. 170
Glyceria 2nd century
Glycerius 5th century
Glywys 5th century
Gobnait 5th century
Gordianus and Epimachus 3rd or 4th century
Gorgonia 375
Gorgonius 4th century
Gregory of Nazianzus 389
Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder 4th century
Gregory of Nyssa 4th or 5th century
Gregory of Spoleto 304
Gregory Thaumaturgus 3rd century
Gregory the Illuminator 330
Gunthiern 5th century
Hegesippus 180
Helena of Constantinople c. 330
Heliodorus of Altino 4th century
Heliodorus of Bet Zabdai 4th century
Helladius of Auxerre 4th century
Heraclas of Alexandria 3rd century
Herculanils 2nd century
Hermagoras of Aquileia 1st century
Hermas of Dalmatia 1st century
Hermes 2nd century
Hermes of Philippopolis 1st century
Hermias 2nd century
Hermione of Ephesus 2nd century
Herodion of Antioch 2nd century
Herodion of Patras 1st century
Herta 303
Hierotheos the Thesmothete 1st century
Hilarion of Cyprus 371
Hilarius 5th century
Hilary of Arles 5th century
Hilary of Poitiers 367
Hippolytus 3rd century
Hippolytus of Rome c. 236
Holy Innocents 6 BC
Honestus 3rd century
Honoratus 5th century
Honorina 4th century
Hor, Besoy, and Daydara 4th century
Hyacinth and Protus 2nd or 3rd century
Hyginus c. 140
Hypatius of Bithynia 5th century
Hypatius of Gangra 4th century
Ia of Cornwall 5th century
Iakovos o Persis (St. James of Persia) 5th century
Ibar 5th century
Idus of Leinster 5th century
Ignatius of Antioch c. 98-117
Innocent I 417
Irenaeus of Lyons 202
Irenaeus of Sirmium 3rd century
Isaac of Armenia 5th century
Isaac of Dalmatia 4th century
Iserninus 5th century
Isidora 4th century
Isidore of Alexandria 5th century
Isidore of Chios 3rd century
Isidore of Pelusium 5th century
Jacob of Nisibis 4th century
James Intercisus 5th century
James, Azadanus and Abdicius 4th century
James, son of Alphaeus c. 62
James, son of Zebedee 44
Januarius 4th century
Jason of Tarsus 1st century
Jerome 420
Joachim 1st century
Joanna 1st century
John and Paul 4th century
John Cassian 5th century
John Chrysostom 407
John of Egypt 4th century
John of Senhout 4th century
John the Apostle 1st century
John the Baptist c. 30
John the Dwarf 5th century
John the Evangelist c. 1st century
Joseph of Arimathea 1st century
Joseph of Nazareth 1st century
Jude the Apostle 1st century
Julia of Corsica 5th century
Julian and Basilissa 4th century
Julian of Alexandria 2nd century
Julian of Antioch 4th century
Julian of Le Mans 3rd century
Julian of Sora 2nd century
Juliana of Nicomedia c. 304
Julietta 304
Julius and Aaron 4th century
Julius I 352
Julius of Novara 4th century
Julius the Veteran 4th century
Junia 1st century
Justa and Rufina 3rd century
Justin Martyr 165
Justin of Siponto 4th century
Justina of Padua 4th century
Justin the Confessor 3rd century
Justus and Pastor 3rd or 4th century
Justus of Alexandria 2nd century
Justus of Beauvais 3rd century
Justus of Trieste 4th century
Juvenal of Benevento 2nd century
Juvenal of Narni 4th century
Juventinus 4th century
Juventius of Pavia 1st century
Kalliopi (martyr) 250
Kedron of Alexandria 2nd century
Keyne 5th century
Kyriaki 300
Landry of Sées 5th century
Latuinus 5th century
Lawrence of Rome 258
Lazarus 99
Lelia 5th century
Leo I 5th century
Leo I the Thracian 5th century
Leocadia 4th century
Leonidas 3rd century
Leonides 3rd century
Leontine martyrs 5th century
Leontius of Autun 5th century
Leontius of Caesarea 4th century
Leontius of Fréjus 5th century
Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus 1st century
Leucius of Brindisi 2nd century
Liberalis of Treviso 4th century
Liborius of Le Mans 4th century
Loman of Trim 5th century
Longinus 1st century
Lucian of Antioch 4th century
Lucian of Beauvais 3rd century
Lucifer 4th century
Lucius I 254
Lucius of Britain 2nd century
Lucius of Cyrene 1st century
Lucy and Geminian 3rd century
Lucy of Syracuse 304
Luke the Evangelist c. 84
Luperculus 3rd century
Lupicinus of Lyon 5th century
Lupus of Troyes 5th century
Lydia of Thyatira 1st century
Macarius of Alexandria 4th century
Macarius of Egypt 4th century
Macarius of Jerusalem c. 335
Macarius the Great 391
Macedonius of Syria 5th century
Macrina the Elder c. 340
Macrina the Younger 379
Maël (saint) 5th century
Magnus of Cuneo 3rd century
Mambeca 4th century
Mamertinus of Auxerre 5th century
Mamertus 5th century
Mammes of Caesarea 3rd century
Mana of Bet-Parsaje 4th century
Manahen 1st century
Mansuetus 4th century
Mar Awgin 4th century
Marcella 5th century
Marcellina 398
Marcellinus 304?
Marcellinus and Peter 4th century
Marcellinus of Carthage 5th century
Marcellus I 309
Marcellus of Capua 4th century
Marcellus of Tangier 3rd century
Marcian 5th century
Marcian of Tortona 2nd century
Marciana of Mauretania 4th century
Margaret of Antioch in Pisidia 304?
Marina of Aguas Santas 2nd century
Marinus 4th century
Maris, Martha, Abachum and Audifax 3rd century
Mark 336
Mark and Marcellian 3rd century
Mark of Apollonias 1st century
Mark the Evangelist 68
Markianos of Alexandria 2nd century
Marolus 5th century
Maron 410
Martha (French) 5th century
Martha 1st century
Martha, mother of Symeon Stylites the Younger 1st century
Martial 3rd century
Martin of Tongres 4th century
Martin of Tours 397
Martina of Rome 3rd century
Martinian and Processus 1st century
Martyrs of Abitina 4th century
Maruthas 5th century
Mary 1st century
Mary Magdalene 1st century
Mary of Bethany 1st century
Mary of Clopas 1st century
Mary of Egypt c. 421
Materiana 5th century
Maternus of Cologne 4th century
Maternus of Milan 4th century
Matthew the Evangelist 1st century
Matthias 80
Matthias of Jerusalem 2nd century
Maturinus c. 300
Maughold 5th century
Maura and Britta 4th century
Maurice 287
Maurus of Parentium 3rd century
Maurus, Pantalemon and Sergius 2nd century
Maxima of Rome 4th century
Maximilian (martyr) 3rd century
Maximilian of Lorch 3rd century
Maximin of Trier 4th century
Maximus of Alexandria 3rd century
Maximus of Aveia 3rd century
Maximus of Évreux 4th century
Maximus of Jerusalem 4th century
Maximus of Rome 3rd century
Maximus of Salzburg 5th century
Maximus of Turin 5th century
Mel 5th century
Melania the Elder 410
Melania the Younger 439
Meletius of Antioch 4th century
Melito of Sardis 2nd century
Mellonius 4th century
Menas 309
Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora 4th century
Mercurialis of Forlì 4th century
Mercurius 3rd century
Meriasek 5th century
Mesrob 5th century
Methodius of Olympus 4th century
Metrophanes of Byzantium 4th century
Miltiades 314
Mirian III of Iberia 4th century
Mitre 5th century
Mocius 3rd century
Modest (Bishop of Trier) 5th century
Monica 4th century
Monica of Hippo 387
Moses (bishop) 4th century
Moses Bronze Age
Moses the Black 5th century
Moura 3rd century
Munditia 4th century
Myrrhbearers 1st century
Nabor and Felix 4th century
Namatius 5th century
Nana of Iberia 4th century
Narcissus of Athens 1st century
Narcissus of Jerusalem c. 222
Narcissus, Argeus, and Marcellinus 4th century
Narnus 4th century
Naucratius 4th century
Nectarius of Constantinople 4th century
Nereus 1st century
Nerses I 4th century
Nestor of Magydos 3rd century
Nestor of Thessaloniki 3rd century
Nicarete 5th century
Nicasius of Dijon 4th century
Nicasius of Rheims 5th century
Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia 3rd century
Nicetas of Remesiana 5th century
Nicholas 4th century
Nicholas of Myra(Santa Claus) 343
Nicodemus 1st century
Nilus of Sinai 5th century
Nine Saints 5th century
Ninian 432
Nino Enlightener of Georgia c. 338 or 340
Nonna of Nazianzus 374
Novatus 2nd century
Odran 5th century
Olcán 5th century
Oliva of Brescia 2nd century
Onesimus 1st century
Onesiphorus 1st century
Onuphrius 4th century
Optatus 4th century
Orestes of Cappadocia 4th century
Orontius of Lecce 1st century
Otimus 3rd century
Ovidius 2nd century
Pachomius the Great 348
Pacian 4th century
Palatias and Laurentia 4th century
Palladius of Antioch 4th century
Pambo 4th century
Pammachius 5th century
Pamphilus of Caesarea 4th century
Pancras of Rome c. 304
Pancras of Taormina 1st century
Pantaenus 2nd century
Pantaleon (Panteleimon) 303
Paphnutius of Thebes 4th century
Paphnutius the Ascetic 4th century
Papias 155
Papias of Hierapolis 2nd century
Papulus 3rd century
Paraskevi of Iconium 3rd century
Paraskevi of Rome 2nd century
Paraskevi the Samaritan c. 54-63
Parrobus of Pottole 1st century
Paternus 3rd century
Paternus of Auch 2nd century
Patiens 2nd century
Patriarch Fravitta of Constantinople 5th century
Patrick c. 5th century
Patroclus of Troyes 3rd century
Paul 1st century
Paul I of Constantinople 4th century
Paul of Narbonne 3rd century
Paul of Tammah 4th century
Paul of Thebes 345
Paul the Apostle c. 67
Paul the Simple 4th century
Paula 404
Paulinus of Nola 431
Paulinus of Trier 4th century
Pausilypus 2nd century
Pelagia of Tarsus 4th century
Pelagius of Constance 3rd century
Peregrine (martyr) 2nd century
Peregrine of Auxerre 3rd century
Peregrinus, Bishop of Terni 2nd century
Perpetua and her companions c. 210
Perpetuus 5th century
Peter c. 64
Peter Chrysologus 450
Peter II of Alexandria 4th century
Peter of Alexandria 311
Peter of Rates 1st century
Peter of Sebaste 391
Peter the Hermit of Galatia 5th century
Peter the Iberian 5th century
Peter, Andrew, Paul, and Denise 3rd century
Petronilla 1st century
Petronius 5th century
Pharmutius 4th century
Philastrius 4th century
Philemon (New Testament person) 1st century
Philemon the actor 4th century
Philetus 2nd century
Philip of Gortyna 2nd century
Philip the Apostle c. 80
Philip the Evangelist 1st century
Philo and Agathopodes 2nd century
Philologus of Sinope 1st century
Philomena c. 4th century
Philonella c. 100
Phlegon of Marathon 1st century
Phocas 4th century
Phocas, Bishop of Sinope 2nd century
Phoebe 1st or 2nd century
Piatus 3rd century
Pierius 4th century
Pijimi 4th century
Pinytus 2nd century
Pionius 3rd century
Pishoy 5th century
Pistis (Faith) 2nd century
Pius I 2nd century
Placidus (martyr) 4th century
Plautilla 1st century
Poimen 5th century
Pollio 3rd century
Polycarp of Smyrna c. 155
Polycrates of Ephesus 2nd century
Polyeuctus 3rd century
Polyxena 1st century ?
Pontian 235
Pontianus (martyr) 2nd century
Pontius Pilate 1st century
Pope Linus c. 79
Porphyry of Gaza 420
Possidius 5th century
Pothinus 2nd century
Praxedes 2nd century
Primus and Felician 3rd century
Prisca 1st century
Priscilla and Aquila 1st century
Priscus (saint) 3rd century
Proclus of Constantinople 5th century
Procopius of Scythopolis 4th century
Proculus 320
Proculus of Bologna 4th century
Proculus of Pozzuoli 4th century
Prosdocimus 1st century
Prosper of Reggio 5th century
Proterius of Alexandria 5th century
Ptolemaeus and Lucius 2nd century
Publius 2nd century
Pudentiana 2nd century
Pulcheria 5th century
Pusai 4th century
Quadratus (martyr) 4th century
Quadratus of Athens 2nd century
Quartus of Berytus 1st century
Quentin 287
Quintus of Phrygia 285
Quiricus 304
Quirinus of Neuss 2nd century
Quirinus of Rome 303
Quirinus of Sescia 4th century
Quiteria 5th century
Quodvultdeus c. 450
Rais 4th century
Rajden the First-Martyr 5th century
Rasyphus and Ravennus 5th century
Regina 286
Reginos 4th century
Regulus 4th century
Renatus 5th century
Reparata 3rd century
Restituta 3rd century
Rhipsime 3rd century
Romanus of Blaye 4th century
Romanus of Caesarea 4th century
Romanus of Condat 5th century
Romanus of Samosata 3rd century
Romanus of Subiaco 3rd century
Romanus Ostiarius 3rd century
Romedius 4th century
Romulus (martyr) 2nd century
Romulus of Fiesole 4th century
Rufina and Secunda 3rd century
Rufinus of Assisi 3rd century ?
Rufus and Carpophorus 3rd or 4th century
Rufus and Zosimus 2nd century
Rufus of Metz 4th century
Rufus of Thebes 1st century
Rusticus of Narbonne 5th century
Sabbas Stratelates 3rd century
Sabbas the Goth 373
Sabina 2nd century
Sabinian of Troyes 3rd century
Sabinus 4th century
Sabinus of Hermopolis 3rd century
Sagar of Laodicea 2nd century
Saizana 4th century
Salomon of Cornwall 5th century
Salonius 5th century
Santi Quattro Coronati 4th century
Sapor of Bet-Nicator 4th century
Sarah 1st century
Sarah of the Desert 5th century
Sarah the Martyr c. 304
Sarbel and Barbe 2nd century
Saturnin 3rd century
Saturninus of Cagliari 4th century
Satyrus of Arezzo 4th century
Satyrus of Milan 4th century
Savina of Milan 4th century
Savinian and Potentian 4th century
Scillitan Martyrs 2nd century
Seachnaill 5th century
Sebastian 287
Secundian, Marcellian and Verian 3rd century
Secundus of Asti 2nd century
Sennen 3rd century
Serapia 2nd century
Serapion of Antioch 211
Serapion Scholasticus c. 350
Serenus the Gardener 4th century
Sergius c. 303
Sergius of Cappadocia 4th century
Servandus and Cermanus 4th century
Servatius c. 384
Severin of Cologne 4th century
Severinus of Noricum 5th century
Severinus, Exuperius, and Felician 2nd century
Severus of Barcelona 4th century
Severus of Naples 5th century
Shenouda the Archimandrite 5th century
Shushanik 5th century
Sidonius Apollinaris 5th century
Silas 50
Silvanus of the Seventy 1st century
Simeon Barsabae 4th century
Simeon of Jerusalem 2nd century
Simeon Stylites 5th century
Simeon the Holy Fool 4th century
Simeon the Righteous c. 1st century
Simon of Bet-Titta 5th century
Simon of Cyrene 1st century
Simon the Zealot 1st century
Simplician 4th century
Simplicius 302 or 303
Simplicius 5th century
Simplicius, Constantius and Victorinus 2nd century
Siricius 399
Sixtus I 126 or 128
Sixtus II 258
Sixtus III 440
Solutor 3rd century
Sophia (Wisdom) 2nd century ?
Sophia of Rome 4th century
Sophia the Martyr 2nd century
Sosipater of Iconium 1st century
Sossius 3rd century
Sosthenes 1st century
Soter c. 174
Speusippus, Eleusippus and Melapsippus 2nd century
Spyridon of Trimythous 348
Stachys the Apostle 1st century
Stephanie 2nd century
Stephen c. 35
Stephen I 257
Susanna 1st century
Sylvester I 335
Symphorian and Timotheus 2nd & 4th century
Symphorosa 2nd century
Syrus of Genoa 4th century
Syrus of Pavia 1st century
Tallanus 5th century
Tarcisius 3rd century
Tassac 5th century
Tatiana of Rome c. 226-235
Taurinus 5th century
Tegulus 3rd century
Telemachus 5th century
Telesphorus c. 137
Ten thousand martyrs 4th century
Terentian 2nd century
Terenzio of Pesaro c. 250
Tertius of Iconium 1st century
Thalassius of Syria 5th century
Thamel (martyr) 2nd century
Theban Legion 3rd century
Thecla of Iconium c. 1st century
Theoclia 4th century
Theodora (Roman martyr) 2nd century
Theodora and Didymus 3rd or 4th century
Theodore and Pausilippus 2nd century
Theodore of Amasea 306
Theodore of Egypt 5th century
Theodore Stratelates 4th century
Theodoret of Antioch 4th century
Theodorus of Tabennese 4th century
Theodotus of Ancyra (bishop) 5th century
Theodotus of Ancyra (martyr) 4th century
Theonistus 5th century
Theophilus of Alexandria 5th century
Theophilus of Antioch 2nd century
Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea 2nd century
Theosebia 4th century
Theotimos 5th century
Thomas the Apostle c. 72
Thraseas 2nd century
Thyrsus 3rd century
Tiburtius and Susanna 3rd century
Timothy I of Alexandria 4th century
Timothy the Apostle c. 80
Tiridates III of Armenia 4th century
Titus (Companion of Paul) c. 107
Torquatus of Acci 1st century
Trifon 3rd century
Trofimena 3rd century
Trophimus of Arles 3rd century
Tryphon c. 248
Turibius of Astorga 5th century
Tychicus 1st century
Tychicus of Chalcedon 1st century
Tydfil 5th century
Typasius 4th century
Urban I 230
Urban of Langres 4th century
Urban of Macedonia 1st century
Urpasian 2nd century
Urpasianus 4th century
Ursicinus of Brescia 347
Ursicinus of Ravenna c. 67
Ursinus of Bourges 3rd century
Ursula 383?
Ursus of Solothurn 3rd century
Valentine 3rd century
Valerian of Abbenza 5th century
Valerius and Rufinus 3rd century
Valerius of Saragossa 4th century
Valerius of Trèves 4th century
Vartan Mamigonian 451
Varus 4th century
Vasilissa, Martyr 4th century
Venantius of Camerino 3rd century
Venerius of Milan 5th century
Veronica 1st century ?
Viator of Bergamo 4th century
Viator of Lyons 4th century
Vibiana 3rd century
Victor I 199
Victor Maurus 3rd or 4th century
Victor of Damascus 2nd century
Victor of Marseilles 3rd century
Victor of Turin 5th century
Victoria 304
Victoria of Albitina 4th century
Victoria, Anatolia, and Audax 3rd or 4th century
Victorian, Frumentius and Companions 5th century
Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian 3rd century
Victorinus of Pettau 4th century
Victricius 5th century
Vigilius of Trent 5th century
Viktor of Xanten 3rd century
Vincenca 3rd century
Vincent of Lérins 445
Vincent of Saragossa 304
Vincent, Orontius, and Victor 4th century
Vitalis and Agricola 4th century
Vitus 303
Volusianus of Tours 5th century
Xanthippe 1st century ?
Xenia the Righteous of Rome 5th century
Zacchaeus of Jerusalem 2nd century
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne 2nd century
Zamudas of Jerusalem 3rd century
Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia 4th century
Zechariah 1st century
Zenaida 1st century
Zeno of Verona 371 or 380
Zeno the Hermit 5th century
Zenobius of Florence 417
Zephyrinus 217
Zoe of Rome c. 286
Zoilus 304
Zosimus (martyr) 2nd century
Zosimus 418
Zosimus the Hermit 3rd century

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